分子鋳型ポリマーを修飾した延長ゲート型有機トランジスタによるヒト唾液中コルチゾールの高精度検出に関する論文がSens. Actuators B Chem.にアクセプトされました。

94.Accurate cortisol detection in human saliva by an extended-gate-type organic transistor functionalized with a molecularly imprinted polymer
Sasaki, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Fan, H.; Ohshiro, K.; Zhou, Q.; Tang, W.; Lyu, X.; Minami T.
Sens. Actuators B Chem. 2023, 382, 133458.

Invited Paper for Special Issue “Analytical devices and sensors for point-of-need applications based on porous substrates

カテゴリー: News


91.Non-enzymatic detection of glucose levels in human blood plasma by a graphene oxide-modified organic transistor sensor

Haonan Fan, Yui Sasaki, Qi Zhou, Wei Tang, Yuta Nishina* and Tsuyoshi Minami*
Chem. Commun., 2023, in press.
Invited Paper for Special Issue “Optical Cross-Reactive Sensor Arrays

カテゴリー: News

南准教授がInternational E-Symposium On Materials Development And Scale- Up For Membrane Separation, Sensing, Energy And Biological Applications (MDS-MSEB)-2023にて招待講演を行いました。

142. “Design of Organic Transistor-based Bio/Chemical Sensors for Real-sample Analysis
International E-Symposium On Materials Development And Scale- Up For Membrane Separation, Sensing, Energy And Biological Applications (MDS-MSEB)-2023


カテゴリー: News