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Call for graduate students and research trainees!

Our laboratory accepts students from the Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, and Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. For details, please refer to the admissions guide for each major. In addition, there is a research training system at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), so students from other universities can also be accepted. Please feel free to contact us for laboratory visits and consultations for future study.


Keynote Speech

July. 7th – 11th, 2024

6th International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive materials– IC3EM 2024 (Costa da Caparica, Portugal) [Dr. Sasaki] (Keynote Speaker)

Jul. 15th -17th, 2024

SmartNano Conference 2024 (Bali, Indonesia) [Dr. Minami]

Invited Talks

Aug. 22ND -23RD, 2024

PPF2024 (Kanagawa) [Dr. Minami]

Sep. 4th, 2024

JSPS R053 Committee on Collaboration Platform of Design, Measurement and Analysis (Chiba)

Sep. 13th, 2024

73rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (Aichi) [Dr. Minami]

SEP. 16TH -20TH, 2024

The 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2024 (Niigata) [Dr. Minami]

Oct. 10TH -11ST, 2024

Europe/Asia network project EURALIMMS (Tokyo) [Dr. Minami]

Oct. 18TH, 2024

Université de Technologie de Compiègne (Compiègne, France)[Dr. Minami]

Nov. 5th -8th, 2024

14th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2024) (Shimane) [Dr. Minami]


Jul. 9TH -11TH, 2024

The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System (Ibaraki) [Mr. Matsumoto]

Sep. 3rd-5th, 2024

Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2024 (Fukuoka) [Dr. Sasaki]

SEP. 11RD-13TH, 2024

73rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (Aichi) [Dr. Sasaki, Mr. Oshiro]

SEP. 12ND-14TH, 2024

The 18th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry (Ibaraki) [Mr. Matsumoto]

SEP. 16TH-20TH, 2024

JSAP Autumn Meeting 2024 (Niigata) [Akiyama, Hirose]

OCT. 22ND -24TH, 2024

14th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2024 (Tokyo) [Oshiro, Matsumoto, Yao, Tatewaki, Nanbu]

Press Releases

Mar 2024

An article on academic Transformative Research Areas (B) Cross-scale Analysis was published in the April 2024 issue of Gendai Kagaku.

Feb 2024

Our laboratory’s efforts have been published in the UTokyo-IIS Bulletin.

Oct 2023

Our research results were introduced in Analysis & Sensing.

Jun 2023

Our research has been introduced in Yano E plus.

Oct 2022

Dr. Sasaki’s report on her participation in the Lindau Conference was published in the October issue of the Seiken News PLAZA.

Oct 2022

Dr. Sasaki’s research was introduced in Aquatic Functional Materials News No.14.

June 2022

A video introducing our laboratory under the theme of “Chemistry of the Future Maybe” is online on YouTube.

April 2022

An article about Dr. Sasaki was published in Seiken Campus Life.

November 2021

Our efforts were introduced in Wiley ChemistryViews.

September 2021

Our efforts were introduced as a registered project of the d3 Initiative.

September 2021

Our efforts were introduced as a registered project of the AI Initiative.

June 2021

Our paper was introduced in Wiley ChemistryViews.

May 2021

Our research has been introduced on YouTube.

May 2021

Our research has been introduced on the Twitter account of the Chemical Society of Japan.

January 2021

Our lab’s work was introduced by EMIRA.

January 2021

Our paper has been featured by Device & Material Engineering.

December 2020

Our lab’s work was featured in Mynavi News.

December 2020

Our lab’s work has been featured in AZO LIFE SCIENCES.

December 2020

Our work has been featured in AZO SENSORS.

November 2020

Our lab’s work was featured on WBS (TV Tokyo).

November 2020

Our lab’s efforts were introduced in Jiji Press!.

November 2020

Dr. Minami participated in the JST President’s Press Briefing.

October 2020

Our research results were introduced in Chemistry-A European Journal.

September 2020

Our work has been published in the UTokyo-IIS Bulletin!

September 2020

Our lab’s Our lab’s work has been featured in the September issue of JSTnews!

April 2020

In the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, our research on sugar sensors was introduced.

April 2020

Dr. Minami has been selected as one of the Frontiers in Chemistry Rising Stars and his paper has been published in the special issue!

April 2020

The awarding of the Young Scientist Prize by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to Dr. Minami was introduced in the IIS News!

April 2020

A clear file of our lab has been created!

September 2019

Ms. Sasaki’s report on the international conference by the international exchange grant recipients of Marubun Foundation Report is now available!

September 2019

An article published in ChemistryOpen has been selected as a TOP DOWNLOADED ARTICLE!

February 2019

The article about Ms. Sasaki’s winning the grand prize of the invention contest was introduced in OPTRONICS ONLINE!

October 2018

The article about ChemComm Emerging Investigator 2018, introduced in the IIS News.

July 2018

Chemical Communications’ Twitter account introduced our research.

September 2018

Our laboratory’s education and research activities were introduced in the University of Tokyo Environmental Report

July 2017

Wiley’s ChemistryOpen magazine introduced our laboratory.

November 2016

In Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, our research on protein sensors was introduced.


Recent Posts

  1. Dr. Minami gave an invited talk at University of Edinburgh. Leave a reply
  2. Dr. Minami gave an invited talk at University of Bath. Leave a reply
  3. An invited paper on the sensitive detection of glucose in human sweat using an organic transistor has been accepted for publication in ChemElectroChem. Leave a reply
  4. An invited paper on the detection of polyamines in cosmetics using an organic transistor has been accepted for publication in ChemistryOpen. Leave a reply
  5. Mr. Matsumoto an poster presentation at 23rd University of Tokyo Life Science Symposium BIO UT Leave a reply
  6. Mr. Oshiro an poster presentation at The 11th International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Bioelectronics (M&BE11). Leave a reply
  7. Dr. Minami gave an invited talk at #NanoSeries2024. Leave a reply
  8. Ms. Mai Oka has joined our lab! Leave a reply
  9. Dr. Minami gave an invited talk at Technical University of Munich. Leave a reply