Mr. Hashima made an oral presentation in English at the Annual Meeting of Photochemistry in 2019.

1A04 「Green and Large-Scale Synthesis of a Solid-State Circularly Polarized Luminescent Material」

○Hashima, Yuki1,3・Ishikawa, Yasuaki1・Takizawa, Shin-ya2・Fujiki, Michiya1・Uraoka, Yukiharu1・Minami, Tsuyoshi3

1Grad. Sch. of Mat. Sci., NAIST・ 2Grad. Sch. of Arts. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo・3Inst. Ind. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo

Click here for details of the meeting.

Invited Perspective has been selected as a Cover Article in ACS Sensors!

Electrical assays for various targets have been accomplished using organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) functionalized with artificial receptors. The user-friendliness of OTFTs have the potential for analytical applications such as on-site sensing purposes. The artwork introduces representative examples of integrated organic electronics (i.e. Milky Way) with host-guest chemistry (i.e. shooting stars).